Saturday, June 11, 2011

When the Rain Keeps Coming Down

Many times in our lives things happen so quickly that we can't seem to understand or fathom them. Why is this happening to me? Why do these types of events always come in groups?
Recently, my life seemed turned upside down by mutiple life-changing events happening at the same time. I always say 'that God is building character in me' and somehow that allows me to view things in perspective. But times like these are hard to explain and hard to understand. And at times I can't do either.
One thing I can do, however, is to step back and view the events and try to see all of the factors that make up the events observed. I try to view all the happenings from the outside.
This week I was visiting my sister in Tennessee. The rain fell so hard that many streams and rivers were overflowing. Areas that seemed safe one minute became dangerous in less than an hour. A small child was pulled from a father's arms and was lost in the flood. An entire amusement park was under water with only sections of a large roller coaster visable above the water. Devistation... or that is what it seemed.
By observation of these events I concluded that it is up to us to determine when we give up. I'm sure there are times when these people felt like throwing up there hands and quitting. But they didn't.
One thing I know, I refuse to give up on life...on people. Because the events of our lives are topsy turvy, it surely doesn't mean the God has forgotten us. His love is magnified even more. Through kind words, a sunny day, a bird singing, a friends gesture and so many acts of kindness and love. Life is precious but it is hard at times.
When the rain falls so hard that I can't see, I must remember that when it stops (and surely it will) it may be followed by a beautiful rainbow and somehow I will be enveloped by it's beauty.
I must remember that soon I will forget how hard the rain fell..because I might be able to enjoy the flowers that will bloom in just a few days.
Be encouraged!

In a Room of Broken Dreams

I stared,
I listened,
I watched,
their expressions, empty and quiet,
blank faces, hollow glances,
sitting in a room of broken hearts.

I stared,
I listened,
the teachers shared their purpose, their story
opened up revealing their secrets,
sitting in a room of broken hearts.

No longer staring,
Listening internally,
I was able to talk, to face my fears
I, too, opened up and started to change,
sitting in a room of broken hearts.

I started to look through different eyes,
in every room I entered
and no matter the room, no matter the place
I realized, that I was
sitting in a room of broken hearts.

So once again,
I sit beneath the cross of the one I love,
and realize through new eyes
that this special guide, was always there,
sitting in the room of broken hearts.

For His heart was broken, too,
and to my surprise
as I looked closer at Him,
my heart started to heal again.

inspired by "Divorce Care Class" Beckley, WV
Terry W Farley

Found in the Rubble

In the pieces of broken dreams,
I saw a ray of light
It pierced the heavy darkness,
It broke the dead of night.

And when I bent to pick it up
O, the pain my heart did know
Yet, when I held it near my chest
New dreams began to grow

Dreams greater than imagined
Colors swirled into the sky
Rainbows splashed on hopes abandoned
Tears of joy filled my eyes

Not only did I realize
That I could dream again
Realities of imaginations
Created greater visions then

Now I dream of thoughts unspoken
Miracles of life anew
Things even thought impossible
Hidden from my eyes own view

And just to think had my dreams not ended
New ones could not be birthed to live
And the cascades of my dreams illusions
Could not allow me to forgive

And now I stand as dreams are living
Fondest hopes I claim it seems
But I never would have found the joy
Except for pieces of broken dreams.



When the sun has gone to sleep
And the stars begin to shine
I awake and start to write
And my words begin to rhyme.

Why is in the stillness
When all around begins to rest
That my words begin to flow
And the poet’s at his best?

Could it be it takes a while
To wind down from the day
That spins extremely fast
For me to know just what to say?

Or is it simply just a phase
Of restless desperation
That opens up the soul
And I find my inspiration?

Could it be when defenses start to fall
That true feelings start to surface
And when that realness finds a platform
It gives a poem its purpose?

Or is it life that takes a pause
To realize the reason
That the words begin to rhyme
At least just for a season?

I don’t regret a moment
When the thoughts begin to flow
Because it’s in those simple moments
That in my heart I finally know.

That God placed me in this world today
For in the brightest day or darkest night
I’ve been called to share my story
To sing, to laugh, to teach, to write.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Are There No Absolutes?

When I started out my journey as a young Christian, many older Christians placed some monumental requirements on me. I was told that so many things were sin that I could practically do nothing. The very act of being a Christian was to set me free, wasn't it? I felt imprisoned more then than I did before I became a Christian.

As I grew in the Lord, I found out that many of these so called "sins" were merely opinions and/or personal convictions that others were trying to impose on me. So many of the thoughts of confusion that I had harbored for years began to disappear.

Now several years later I find myself in a different seat. I am confused again. This time many young Christians feel nothing is sin and that all things can be tolerated because of grace. Many people are quick to use the word Pharisee on people who have a belief that there are things that are sin. The term is used too loosely.

Pharisee is a term that is used by many to define someone who disagrees with them. God is truly a God of grace and His love is available and given to all because it is not earned. But there are absolutes. Things that are defined in scripture that are sins. Acts and things that are definitively 'sin'. And sin will not enter into heaven.

What happened? Is a politically correct world and the permissiveness of this society treading in the blood at the foot of the cross? Have we become so lax that we have taken Christ's message of embracing the sinner in love to embracing the sin instead?

If a person enters into our world whether church or personal shouldn't we love them. They may be known to be involved in some area of sin, they may look different, or they may participate in things we may not agree with, but, it is our love that will treat them with respect and dignity. After all, Christ came for sinners.

But, there comes a time when a new Christian should be instructed or taught. In a Sunday Morning church society, one in which people come to church only on Sunday Mornings if they come at all, when are they taught.? Sure the minister preaches and also teaches sometimes, but if that is all they hear, are the real issues being answered.

I got so tired, when I was young ,of people teaching on dress length, hair styles, movie attendance, and types of music. But today I long for someone somewhere to teach on absolute sins. Not to condemn, but to warn. Please somebody have enough courage to tell others of the pitfalls.

If I am walking and there is a dangerous pit in front of me and you see me heading to my demise. Please yell as loud as you can so I won't fall in!!